Luck of the Monarch

Monarchs and other pollinators, such as bees, are quickly losing their natural habitat. This can be detrimental to ecosystems that rely on these insects to start the fertilization process for many plants along with feeding birds and mammals. Scientists view butterflies as an indicator for a healthy environment as well.

Whether big or small, your outdoor spaces can be a delight for you and the butterflies. Bring out the “welcome mat” by growing flowers that attract these beauties with their nectars. Examples include daylilies, lavender, and snapdragons.

For schools and non-profits, I suggest contacting, as they offer a free flat of 32 milkweed plugs! Milkweed is a favorite among the butterflies. also provides information on how to enhance or create habitats for these important creatures.

And don’t forget the added bonus of butterflies: If one lands on you, it brings you luck! The more you have in your garden, the better your chances of having one bless you.

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